Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2009
Jumat, 11 September 2009
Serj Tankian - Elect the Dead (2007)
Hypnotize (2005)

- "Attack" Daron Malakian, Serj Tankian Malakian 3:06
- "Dreaming" Malakian, Tankian Malakian, Shavo Odadjian 3:59
- "Kill Rock 'n Roll" Malakian Malakian 2:28
- "Hypnotize" Malakian, Tankian Malakian 3:09
- "Stealing Society" Malakian, Tankian Malakian 2:58
- "Tentative" Malakian, Tankian Malakian 3:36
- "U-Fig" Malakian, Tankian Malakian, Odadjian 2:55
- "Holy Mountains" Malakian, Tankian Malakian 5:28
- "Vicinity of Obscenity" Tankian Tankian, Malakian 2:51
- "She's Like Heroin" Malakian Malakian 2:44
- "Lonely Day" Malakian Malakian 2:47
- "Soldier Side" Malakian 3:40
Mezmerize (2005)

- "Soldier Side - Intro" Daron Malakian Malakian 1:03
- "B.Y.O.B." Malakian, Serj Tankian Malakian 4:15
- "Revenga" Malakian, Tankian Malakian 3:48
- "Cigaro" Malakian, Tankian Malakian 2:11
- "Radio/Video" Malakian Malakian 4:09
- "This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I'm on This Song" Malakian, Tankian Malakian 2:08
- "Violent Pornography" Malakian Malakian 3:31
- "Question!" Tankian Tankian, Malakian 3:20
- "Sad Statue" Malakian, Tankian Malakian 3:25
- "Old School Hollywood" Malakian Malakian 2:56
- "Lost in Hollywood" Malakian, Tankian Malakian 5:20
Steal This Album! (2002)
- "Chic 'n' Stu" Serj Tankian, Daron Malakian Malakian 2:23
- "Innervision" Tankian, Malakian Malakian, Tankian 2:33
- "Bubbles" Tankian, Malakian Malakian 1:56
- "Boom!" Tankian, Malakian Malakian, Shavo Odadjian 2:14
- "Nüguns" Tankian, Malakian Malakian 2:30
- "A.D.D. (American Dream Denial)" Tankian, Malakian Malakian 3:17
- "Mr. Jack" Tankian, Malakian Malakian 4:09
- "I-E-A-I-A-I-O" Tankian Tankian, Malakian, Odadjian, John Dolmayan 3:08
- "36" Tankian Tankian 0:46
- "Pictures" Tankian, Malakian Malakian 2:06
- "Highway Song" Tankian, Malakian Malakian 3:13
- "F**k the System" Malakian, Tankian Malakian, Tankian 2:12
- "Ego Brain" Malakian, Tankian Malakian, Tankian 3:21
- "Thetawaves" Tankian, Malakian Malakian 2:36
- "Roulette" Malakian, Tankian Malakian, Tankian 3:21
- "Streamline" Tankian, Malakian Malakian 3:37
The B Sides (2002)
toxicity (2001)

- "Prison Song" Serj Tankian, Daron Malakian Malakian 3:21
- "Needles" Tankian, Malakian Tankian, Malakian 3:13
- "Deer Dance" Tankian, Malakian Malakian 2:55
- "Jet Pilot" Tankian Shavo Odadjian, Malakian 2:06
- "X" Tankian Malakian 1:58
- "Chop Suey!" Tankian, Malakian Malakian 3:30
- "Bounce" Tankian Odadjian, Malakian 1:54
- "Forest" Tankian Malakian 4:00
- "ATWA" Tankian, Malakian Malakian 2:56
- "Science" Tankian Malakian 2:43
- "Shimmy" Tankian Tankian 1:51
- "Toxicity" Tankian Odadjian, Malakian 3:39
- "Psycho" Tankian, Malakian Malakian 3:45
- "Aerials" Tankian, Malakian Malakian 3:53

System of a Down (1998)
- "Suite-Pee" Serj Tankian Daron Malakian 2:32
- "Know" Tankian Shavo Odadjian, Malakian, Tankian 2:56
- "Sugar" Tankian Odadjian, Malakian 2:33
- "Suggestions" Tankian Malakian 2:44
- "Spiders" Tankian Malakian 3:35
- "DDevil" Tankian Odadjian, Malakian 1:43
- "Soil" Tankian Malakian 3:25
- "War?" Tankian Malakian 2:40
- "Mind" Tankian Odadjian, Malakian, Tankian 6:16
- "Peephole" Tankian Malakian 4:04
- "CUBErt" Tankian, Malakian Malakian 1:49
- "Darts" Tankian Malakian 2:42
- "P.L.U.C.K." Tankian Malakian 3:37
Senin, 10 Agustus 2009
The group has mastered the ability to be both successful and subversive--with 2001's Toxicity selling over six million copies and debuting at number one on the Billboard charts, their success in indisputable. As far are their subversive-ness, the lyrical content on Mezmerize is a solid stream of anti-war, anti-corporate and anti-celebrity sentiment. The disc's first single proves as beautifully schizophrenic as anything the band has released. "B.Y.O.B." opens with guitarist Daron Malakian's rapid-fire riff, then frontman Serj Tankian's anti-war screams of "Why do they always send the poor?"; less than a minute later, a nearly-surreal jump to a facetiously perky, beach party chorus that could easily be found on a Britney or Justin record: "Everybody's going to the party/have a real good time." Guitarist/co-songwriter Malakian takes increased vocal time on the disc, including the hilarious, size-obsessed "Cigaro" and celeb-slapping "Radio/Video". Witticism aside, musical and lyrical intensity peaks with the operatic "Question!" and the emotional piledriver that is "Sad Statue", the group¹s unflinching statement on war and Lady Liberty.
With Rage Against the Machine disbanded, System of a Down ascend to the political aggro-rock throne, and with Steal This Album, the Los Angeles-based quartet prove themselves worthy to wear the crown. A play on the late activist Abbie Hoffman’s Steal This Book, the album consists of 16 System songs from the mid-1990s through 2001. The band stresses the songs are not "B-sides or outtakes"; in fact, they clearly show System at their apex. These smart, varied songs feature Serj's frenetic, staccato, Jello Biafra-like phrasing atop the band's edgy, commanding, metal-meets-punk base. From the funny, frantic "Chic 'N' Stu," to "F**k the System," "A.D.D. (American Dream Disorder)," and "Boom!" System keep listeners guessing with discomfiting time changes that match up with Serj's incendiary lyrics. In keeping with their creative, fan-oriented approach, System are releasing four limited runs of the CD, each version featuring artwork from a different band member. This is not escapist rock. It's an intense and eye-opening aural history lesson you can mosh to.
System of a Down's sophomore effort is a musically and lyrically ambitious 14-song collection that's even more left-of-center and powerful than their 1998 self-titled debut. Here the Los Angeles-bred foursome tackle everything from government ("Prison Song") to cocaine-crazed groupies ("Psycho") in a more pointed and aggressive manner than Rage Against the Machine. Serj Tankian's hardcore vocals and occasional Middle Eastern flourishes ("Science") contribute to the unique, ultra-intense, and quirky qualities of System circa 2001. Unexpected time changes and death-metal-like intensity give way to mellower moments, all of which make for demanding but irresistible listening. Toxicity is a masterful, unusual, and forceful opus. This release includes a bonus CD-ROM that includes behind-the-scenes footage, band commentary, and concert clips.
Closing out the second half of 2005 just as its predecessor i>Mesmerize closed out the first, Hypnotize completes System of a Down's finest hour to date. The two albums form a lean and nearly perfect whole that places this Los Angeles collective in league with the likes of Smashing Pumpkins and Pink Floyd. System has created an enduring body of work that challenges conventional notions about the nature of the contemporary rock album. More practically, they have given listeners a fine second act that attacks and attacks hard, inspiring as much headbanging as vintage Metallica and as thought-provoking as the Minutemen and the Dead Kennedys. (Vocalist Serj Tankian's barbaric yawp sometimes calls to mind head Kennedy Jello Biafra.)
The album's first half features the most brutal, perfect and direct rock ‘n' roll that's come down the old mainstream this year: "Attack," "Kill Rock ‘n' Roll," "Tentative" and "U-Fig" lead the charge while "Holy Mountains" gracefully moves us toward this epic's final challenging moments. Latter tracks such as "She's Like Heroin" (Frank Zappa's idea of The Three Penny Opera) and "Lonely Day" fail to maintain the intensity heard early on but not don't prevent Mesmerize and Hypnotize from coming together as one of the most definitive heavy rock albums of the decade. --Jedd Beaudoin
Daron Malakian !!!
Daron Malakian (System Of a Down) terlahir di Hollywood, California / 18 Juli 1975. Saat masih berusia 6 tahun ia sudah mendengarkan album-album dari nama-nama besar seperti Van Halen, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Motley Crue, Ozzy Osbourne. Namun 6 tahun kemudian ia mulai merasa sreg setelah mendengar musik-musik trash dari band-band seperti Slayer. Dari sini kemudian Daron mulai banyak bermain musik-musik beraliran Metal. Kemudian pada saat berusia 17 tahun ia mulai banyak mendengarkan musik-musik The Beatles. John Lennon menjadi influence terbesarnya dalam menulis lagu. Jika anda menyimak lirik-lirik lagu System Of a Down, semuanya merupakan lirik-lirik bertema sosial, perang, dan kritik terhadap pemerintah.
Beberapa saat kemudian Daron bertemu dengan Serj Tankian dan akhirnya sepakat membentuk band bersama-sama. Kemudian bergabunglah Shavo Odadjian pada bass dan John Dolmayan pada drum. Mereka pun menamai band mereka System Of a Down (SoaD). Band ini mulai menyita perhatian publik Los Angeles. Meski masih menjadi band lokal pun ternyata jumlah fans fanatiknya bisa dibilang sangat besar. Akhirnya pada tahun 1997, produser Rick Rubin mengambil alih SoaD. Setahun kemudian SoaD merilis album perdananya dan mulai menjadi artis pembuka untuk Slayer dan hajatan musik Metal, Ozzfesst. Lalu pada tahun 2001 berhasil menjual 6 juta copy untuk album "Toxicity". Kesuksesan SOAD tak bisa lepas dari polesan Daron yang menciptakan sebagian besar lagu-lagunya. Terutama dalam hal lirik lagu.
Nama Daron Malakian mulai diakui oleh penggila musik-musik Metal, terutama di kawasan LA. Bahkan beberapa waktu lalu ia menempati peringkat ke-4 dalam polling gitaris terbaik versi majalah Metal Edge Magazine. Hal tersebut memang masuk akal mengingat sulitnya musik-musik beraliran metal menembus angka penjualan yang fantastis. Terlebih lagi di Indonesia, mengusung distorsi tajam sangat kurang diminati di pasaran, namun album terbaru SOAD bahkan bisa bertengger di posisi pertama puncak tangga-tangga lagu di beberapa media.
Soil and System of a Down
Daron Malakian met Serj Tankian in 1992, while they both shared the same rehearsal studio in different bands. Serj was playing keyboard for a band, and Daron was singing lead vocals for another band. They formed a jam band called Soil (Serj on vocals/keyboards and Daron on guitar[citation needed]; not to be confused with the Chicago band Soil) with Domingo Laranio (drums) and Dave Hakopyan (bass). Around this time, they also met Shavo Odadjian. The next year, in 1994, after one supposed jam session recording and one live show, Dave and Domingo left, thinking the band wasn't going anywhere.[citation needed]
The band later broke up and Tankian and Malakian formed a new band "System of a Down," based on a poem that Daron wrote entitled "Victims of the Down". Shavo Odadjian thought that the word System appealed to a much broader audience than "Victims," and they wanted their albums to be stored near the Slayer band's. Odadjian was the band's original manager and promoter, but joined as the bassist, and managerial duties were taken over by the Velvet Hammer Music and Management Group and founder David "Beno" Benveniste. Daron then asked his friend Ontronik "Andy" Khachaturian (who had played in his first band with Daron at age 15) to join the band as the drummer.[5] Andy was later replaced by their current drummer, John Dolmayan, due to a hand injury.